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A member registered Dec 22, 2016

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I wish I could join the $5 tier (╥﹏╥) I tried so many times, but until Patreon finally accepts Debit Gift Cards I'm not gonna be able to do anything about this and it's breaking my heart...

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I dunno what happened but this is my third play through 
(2nd got me Butch and o///o wow. So I'm aiming for Jace again, so cute!)
and the Goals have disappeared from their page.

Also, the voices stopped working right when I've gone to visit Rusty to get my furniture. I can't remember what the dialogue was at that point, but I can look again if you want?  I've saved it to just before.
Or I can search in the game folder for whatever else you might need.
I've not just reinstalled because I'm not sure if I'll lose my saves.

BTW the VA for Jace? Friggin' phenomenal for a new. Normally I don't like to listen to that kind of stuff, but his "scenes" with Cody are ones I make sure to keep my headphones on for. It just sounds so...well "natural".
Cody's, his voice and accent have me mimicking it so easily that it goes on in my thoughts as well.
Rusty's is, whew so damn rough & sexy, seriously.
Butchs' is, uh, yeah wow, he (trying not to pun) hits that deep intimate tone so hard that I have to take off my headphones cause it makes me embarrassed. ^^;

Anyway, uh, just wanted to give my appreciation for the game again, now that I've gotten further and seen/heard more I wanted to extend it to the VA's as well. Y'all rock!

Played the demo and, even tho it wasn't on sale, I bought the game!

I just finished it, taking about 2 hours, and married Rusty! Was so happy that I couldn't help but cheer and clap that my guy got to experience the beginning of his new and love filled life.

I plan on trying for Nuzzler or Jace next. Hope it goes as well as Rusty's did.

Good job Y Press!

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Naked as in, totally 100% naked? Or, "I'm wearing a shirt, but no trousers (or pants)" / "Yes, I've trousers/pants on but no shirt (female only?)" naked? What exactly qualifies as naked in Northcrest?

how much love will i lose from Arion if i stick him in the bath? 

or from hayden if i get him tied up? 

knew i shouldn't have taken this job. dangit

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You need to download a certain program to play it.

RPG  VX Ace RTP should be installed first.

That one.^^^ This was a requirement for a different game but since your Error box has the same name...I downloaded it just fine, no bugs or anything. Maybe this will help you too.